Thursday 7 August 2014

My Remedies

  1. Jump on toes
  2. keep belly in
  3. Drink lots of water
  4. Pro biotics
  5. Lemon, ginger, apple cider vinegar, garlic, honey. Juices mixed together.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

I want to Free myself from fear i dont like fear

2:39 AM 8/7/2014

Its a bad feeling. Like some thing is going to happen. Most of the times nothing happens. But his constant heart shaking fear remain with me like a partner. How can i be free from fear?

Possible solution that comes to my mind:
I should pray. I should make a friend ship with GOD. Because only He can control the unseen and seen. So i can make friendship with Him and let him handle all these matters.

My Action:
After a long delay and attempts to forget about praying, finally, i did offer the prayer.

After the prayer the fear is down to like 0 now.

A person as weak as I am cannot be fear free. I need a source of power. And when i look at power sources i want to get my hands on the biggest power source. And as biggest power source is GOD. Therefore, when i turned to Him, I felt fear free. Because I have a feeling now that the biggest power that exists is with me. Hence, No Fear.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Who Am I ?

What i want?

I want every thing. Basically i need the power and resources to have anything i want.


Because it will make me happy.

Who is me?

I am what my name is . but that's just a name given to me. That's just a tag to recognize me. That doesn't define who i am. so Who Am I? I am made of flesh. I think i am = what drives me. My drives and desires define who is me. But still its not very clear who i am. You cannot define me as good or bad. One day i am good other day i am very bad.

Are my desires same as every one else?

Really don't know about that. But for most people i think its true. We are creatures of our desires.

Can we be defined by our fears and desires?

Yes, i think that is very close to the truth. We desire everything but we also fear many things. Desires and fears are mostly the same in everyone. Here are some common fears. Like fear of death, getting harmed, getting ill, etc. In fact fears are same in all people. But its the intensity of fear that varies.